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External Quality Assessment
A Quality Assurance and Improvement Program is designed to enable an evaluation of the internal audit activity’s conformance with the Standards and an evaluation of whether internal auditors apply the Code of Ethics. The program also assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal audit activity and identifies opportunities for improvement. The chief audit executive should encourage board oversight in the quality assurance and improvement program.
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News & Updates
IIA Uganda received a delegation from the Directorate of Internal Audit & Inspection, Ministry of Finance & Planning of the Republic of South Sudan.
The delegates visited with purpose to benchmark on the practices of Internal Audit in Uganda. The delegation visited different organizations from Uganda Communications Commission, Petroleum Authority of Uganda, Uganda Revenue
IIA Uganda in partnership with UNRA and NFA participated in a tree planting drive
In celebration of the Internal Audit Awareness month ( May), IIA Uganda in partnership with UNRA and NFA participated in a tree planting drive on Kampala Entebbe Express Highway. A
CIA Graduation: In recognition of New CIAs Achievers 2024
The Institute of Internal Auditors Uganda held the 2nd Graduation ceremony for CIAs(Certified Internal Auditors) in Uganda on 29th February 2024 at Protea Hotel by Mariott Kampala Skyz. Congratulations to the 32