Chief Internal Auditor; Bank of Uganda
From July 2012 until February 2018, he served in the role of Executive Director Finance, Bank of Uganda overseeing Accounts and National Payments System Departments. He was also in charge of the Agricultural Credit Facility at Bank of Uganda. Prior to his appointment as Executive Director Finance, he held the portfolio of Chief Account and also served as Executive Director, Pride Microfinance.
David has experience of over thirty (30) years with the Bank of Uganda. He joined the Bank in 1992 as a banker examiner and rose through the ranks to become Senior Principal Banking Officer. He was key person in the development of the Regulation and Supervision framework for Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions.
He holds a master’s degree in Economic Studies from the University of Queensland, Australia. He was awarded a two year Merit Scholarship by the Australian Development Corporation (Australian Government) to pursue a Masters Degree in Economics at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia from 1995 to 1996. He also holds a Bachelor of Statistics (First Class) Degree and served as a Teaching Assistant/Assistant Lecturer Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics, Makerere University until 1995.